Society3 Group was originally started in San Francisco in April 2014. After moving to Europe, BlueCallom AG was registered in Lucerne Switzerland in Oct 2015. With the inception of the World Innovations Forum event in 2017, Society3 and WIForum worked in parallel with the same vision and enagement. In 2018 Society3 was converted to World Innovations Forum and the accelerator got its own brand "San Francisco Accelerator".

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#Society3 envisions to more than double startup success rate and developed a disruptive venture capital investment model. Innovative businesses are carefully selected, then accelerated and brought to great success.

Origin of the name Society3
Around 3000 B.C. Egyptian pharaohs began to build harbors, cities and stimulated organized trade - even though with the idea of better controlling taxes - business growth exploded. The incremental value that was created provided Egypt with a level of prosperity that was unimaginable before. AND it was the first time that incremental wealth was created without war. However, wealth creation and influence have been in the hands of only one.

In the mid 1700's A.D. the industrial revolution fundamentally changed the face of society again. This time not a single country leader but hundreds of "Value Creators" even within a city were building products and services at an unparalleled rate and created a level of prosperity for those industrialized nations that was again unimaginable before. Wealth and influence has now been distributed to many which sparked democracy and prosperity for the larger part of a nation.

Today only 300 years later, we are at the verge of yet another fundamental shift. Democratizing influence, substantially changing the face of work and forther distributing wealth. We envision millions of individual entrepreneurs around the world create incremental value, with much smaller enterprises, far less than 500 people, being way more agile, more innovative and more collaborative. Through the rapid evolution of technology such as Artificial inteligence, Robotics and Smart Material the face of 'work' will radically change to less human work, no more body destroying and dangerous work and more fun and satisfaction at work. We are all part of that Society 3